
Showing posts from March, 2020

Video Marketing: Emerging as an Effective Way of Brand Promotion

Marketing is a fundamental concept to be practiced by any business to reach its potential customers and investors. With many online platforms and formats, marketing has changed a bit and if you want to stay in the market and ahead of your competitors, you need to know how to utilize these platforms for efficient targeting. While offline marketing still plays a strong role in promoting a business and its services, online marketing can boost your business exponentially. The most effective way of doing online marketing is through video marketing strategies. There are several video production house HK that are assisting businesses to achieve their marketing goals. Videos are an entertaining way to attract customers towards your brand and its products. Apart from entertainment, there are several other benefits of video marketing. Few of them are listed in this article: · Increase in ROI: Since video production has become affordable, many businesses don’t see video marketing as an un...

Get the Best Video Production Service from V1 Media Limited

Are you planning to launch a new product? If yes, you should take the help of video advertisements. Don’t know why? It’s because videos build trust. Of course, video advertisement is a new addition to the promotion toolbox but it’s worth spending money on because videos boost the conversion rate like no other marketing medium. But, creating a video is not an easy task and if you think that you can do this work on your own, you are sadly mistaken. If you want to make an impressive and influential video, you are advised to take the help of some trusted HK video production house. When you work with professionals, they try to understand the type of advertisement that you want so that they can offer a better service. And for this work, you will find no one better than V1 Media Limited. It is a leading corporate video production company Hong Kong ( 企業視頻製作公司香港 ) and works with a team of professionals who knows everything about video production. And you will be glad to know that this r...


營銷是所有企業都必須利用以接觸其潛在客戶及投資者的基本方法。而借助不同的網上平台可令營銷產生一些變化。如您想在市場中領先競受對手,什至提升佔有率。您需要了解如何利用網上平台而得到有用的定位。雖然線下營銷在促進業務及服務方面仍發揮著重要作用,但線上營銷可使業務極速增長。而最有效利用網上營銷的方法便是影片營銷策略。而香港則有多間 影片製作公司 正協助不同企業達到其營銷目標。 影片是一種有效吸引受眾了解您的品牌及服務的有趣方式。除了有娛樂性外,影片營銷還有以下幾個好處: ·  提高投資回報率 :由於很多企業已能負擔起影片製作的成本,因很多業都沒有忽視影片營銷,相反,他們將其視為增加投資回報(ROI)的重要工具。 ·  提升品牌知名度 :影片營銷可幫助企業提高品牌知名度。 ·  建立信任: 作為一間想在市場上取得成功的企業,獲得客戶信任是很重要的。企業可透過影片介紹公司資料及與客戶建立信任以得到正面形象。 ·  增加銷售量 :從研究指出,人們偏好於影片中了解到該企業所提供的服務及產品後,方選擇購買對象。 所以如您希望提升企業達到更高水平,請考慮影片營銷。而為了確保您選擇了專業的影片製作公司以助您拍攝及剪輯影片。V1 Media Limited是一個好選擇。V1 Media擁有超過10,000小時的影片製作經驗,是香港最好的 影片製作公司 之一。V1 Media還提供一系列有關專業拍攝及剪輯影片的培訓課程。請聯繫V1 Media以開始您的線上營銷計劃。 關於 V1 Media Limited : V1 Media Limited是香港主要的 影片製作公司 ,協助企業開展其影片營銷計劃。 如欲了解更多,請瀏覽