
Showing posts from October, 2018

透過V1 Media Limited制定有效的視頻營銷策略

我們生活在數碼化年代,如有人想成名,數碼世界可幫助他們在一夜之間成名。 當談論數碼化時,忽視了如何視頻營銷,如人們擁有有效和創新的視頻營銷策略,任何企業都可在全球蓬勃發展。 有效的視頻營銷被認為用於建立客戶關係,促進品牌,產品或服務的最強大支柱之一。 另一方面,有效和獨特的 視頻營銷 作為媒介,代表促進客戶之間的互動推薦,提供病毒式(娛樂)內容或直播活動。 由於很多公司幫助企業製作內容獨特並創新的視頻。如您正在尋求協助,V1 Media Limited將是您的最佳選擇。 V1 Media Limited的專業團隊以其視頻製作( video 制作 )服務而聞名,該服務針對不同客戶需求而策劃。 除此之外,還提供年度視頻推廣計劃。 V1 Media致力於為客戶提供優質服務。 以下為V1Media幾個出名例子 - • KICKSTARTER / INDIEGOGO VIDEO FOR FIRAYS • PRODUCT VIDEO FOR ARNOLD PALMER • PROMO VIDEO FOR INFINITE BATH • CORP VIDEO FOR TWGHS CYMA MEMORIAL COLLEGE • KICKSTARTER VIDEO FOR THE BALANCE FAN 毫無疑問,V1 Media Limited提供了令人驚嘆技術及專業工具,如想在全球推廣您的品牌或產品,絕對信任該名稱。 V1 Media Limited的數字營銷專家致力為客戶計劃一個完美並具有創造力的視頻營銷解決方案。 如您需要尋求製作視頻內容的協助,請不要猶豫,即刻聯繫V1 Media Limited。 在行業中領先的V1 Media Limited一直致力於視頻營銷,從幫助過的客戶中獲得了不少良好的反饋。 如您對 企業視頻製作 有任何疑問,請隨時與他們聯繫,因他們可為您提供詳情答案並解答您的疑慮。 如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽

Make an Effective Video Marketing Strategy through V1 Media Limited

We are living in an era where everything is digital, if someone wants to be famous, digital worlds helps them to become popular in just spur of the moment. How can we forget about video marketing when we are talking about being digital, if people have effective and innovative kind of video marketing strategy any business or organization can flourish across the world. An effective video marketing is considered as one of the strongest pillars which are used in building a customer rapport, to promote brand, products or services. On the other hand an effective and unique video marketing works as a medium that represent how- to promote customer’s testimonials, deliver viral (entertainment) content or live-stream events. Well, as there are many companies who assist different businesses in making their video content unique and innovative like video production Hong Kong , V1 Media Limited will be the best name to choose if you are looking for the one. The professional team at V1 Media Limite...


知否至今有超過63%的企業將影片內容營銷作為營銷活動的基本工具和策略之一? 我們正處於激烈競爭的時代,企業正在尋找新方法和計劃,以超越現今並在營銷競賽中取得領先。 其中一種方法是精心設計及影片製作( video 制作 )。 而營銷是向客戶表達產品的內容,並在說服的過程中發揮著重要作用。 此外,說服客戶需通過正確的廣告工具和策略來達成。 目的是告訴潛在客戶產品如何及為何對您有益,即使無法達成此目的也好,也會在潛在客戶的記憶中留下印象。 有些時侯並不會引起興趣或回應,但這便是視頻內容所扮演的角色。 劇本,編輯和製作的組合令視頻內容可以帶起人們的正確反應。 此外,此方法可以維持一段長時間,因它能提供急需的投資回報率。 當在目標網頁上添加產品視頻時,可將轉化率乘以十倍。 將資源投入內容營銷的基本動機之一是需要與忠誠客戶建立長期關係,視頻內容營銷也不例外。 如您正尋找幫助或提供 企業視頻製作 服務的公司,請即刻聯繫V1 Media Limited。 在香港被稱為線上視頻製作公司中,是值得信賴的領導者。 眾所周知,該團隊滿足客戶需求和要求,並將其融入到富有創意的視頻中。 該公司了解到如果為其客戶提供這質素的視頻。 關於V1 Media Limited: V1 Media Limited於香港為領先的 視頻製作公司,創作了數千個富有創意的視頻,商業廣告等等。 如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽

Level-Up Your Marketing Game with Using Videos

Do you know more than 63 percent of business owners are using video content marketing as one of their basic tools and strategies for marketing campaign? Today, we are in the age of cut-throat competition where the people or the business owners are finding new ways and schemes to leapfrog the same and get ahead in the marketing race. One of such ways is a carefully designed and video production ( video 制作 ). Basically, marketing plays an important role where it communicates the customers about what the product is all about and then persuades them. Moreover, the act of persuasion is fulfilled by the right advertisement tools and tactics. It works by telling the people how and why what we are selling can be beneficial for you and even it fails in this task it creates the need for the same in the people’s mind. Often the words fail to attract interest or entice the correct needed response. This is where the video content plays it role. The right combination of the screenplay, video editi...